I was inspired to write this article because of my own personal journey of awakening and long observance of what I have come to see as “true reality” over the past 2 years. There are many “New Age” and spiritual teachings out there today with varying perspectives in an attempt to define spirituality, higher consciousness, the structure of reality and the universe, etc… All of this aimed at educating the masses on the mechanics of obtaining higher elevations of consciousness and its relation to Ascension.
Any newcomer seeking to learn about higher levels of consciousness and ascension can be overwhelmed by this huge body of material to absorb, as this also takes you down a path of identifying and understanding many things such as “everything is energy, the law of one, true human history, and even Galactic history”. I admit that I myself was overwhelmed many times trying to piece this all together while attempting to apply “left brain” logic.
What I learned over time is that applying left brain logic is not necessary nor recommended when discovering and applying spiritual mechanics, as all knowledge of everything I describe above is ALREADY EMBEDDED within your DNA, its only a matter of accessing or “remembering” it. Yes that´s right, its already there! I know this will seem impossible and even outrageous to those whom have not yet taken it upon themselves to learn and practice spirituality. But the truth is what´s considered “modern day” science today in our 3D perception, is anything but accurate or real with regards to full spectrum of reality. This is because our so called modern day scientists are also asleep and do not understand multi-dimensional dynamics that comprise the divine and physical structure of all reality. This forgotten knowledge could also be called the “The Unified Theory of Everything”…..
This is what´s known as “Waking Up” and “Remembering Who and What you Are”.
In fact, for most people on Earth, all knowledge of everything that exists, has existed, or will exist in our space time universe, is already stored within your core DNA template. What may interest you even more is that most humans have whats called a 12 strand DNA template. This 12 strand template is the original seeded “blueprint” for our human species. My awakening and spiritual journey has introduced me to knowledge that reveals the original human species as once called “Angelic Humans”, created as a hybrid with DNA contributions from various ET races giving us our genetic template as Angelic humans and placed here as the guardians of Earth.
Another mind blowing tidbit for you is that our universe is comprised of 15 dimensions, of which 12 of these dimensions contain physical matter manifestations we refer to as “bodies” that serve as vehicles for conscious life forms. Our original 12 strand template is still there but most of these strands are dormant, disconnected, and non-active. This dis-connection is a result of negative “Intruder” ET races that have raided our dimensional time space in order to subjugate and control us for the purpose of feeding off our energy, and to keep themselves in dominion over us. The important thing to understand here is that these Intruder ET races have done this for Two primary reasons:
Reason 1. Because they have evolved into, what´s known as “Service to Self” (STS) races, whereas they have made the conscious choice to exist by virtue of parasitically feeding off the energies of other life forms because this STS choice has severed their connection to the natural, organic, and infinite energy flow of “source” consciousness which exists in all things. As such, they will eventually die and their individual consciousness cease to exist if they cannot establish dominion and feed off the energies usurped from other conscious beings. This STS choice also de-evolves their genetic core DNA template whereas they do not have a full 12 strand DNA template. These various intruder races are also known as “Fallen Races” or “Fallen Angelics“. As such, the original 12 strand DNA template that Angelic humans posses is highly coveted by these Fallen Races since they do not have this 12 strand template. As part of their Fallen Race agenda, they seek to alter their own DNA templates by genetic manipulation and interbreeding with humans to access these full 12 strands.
Reason 2. Because they FEAR humans immensely. The reason these intruder races fear Humans is because of this 12 strand DNA template that we posses within our genetic coding. Actually, it is more accurate to say that they fear our realization, activation, and use of this 12 strand DNA. In essence, they fear us WAKING UP! For the intruders, humans waking up and activating this 12 strand DNA, results in the END GAME for them, as these 12 strands of DNA, when activated, return humans to their Angelic state and gives humans full trans-mutational and trans-migrational capabilities throughout all 12 of the matter manifested dimensions of our space time universe. This also means that humans are infinitely more powerful in all aspects over the intruder races and assures their eviction and eradication as STS races from our space time matrix.
This “Wake Up” call is directly related and relevant to “ASCENSION”, and what Operation BLUE LIGHT is all about…..
15 Dimensional Time Matrix with 5 Harmonic Universes:
Just as a basic “boot camp” reference, each Space Time matrix has 15 dimensions that are organized in bands of 3 dimensions per “Harmonic Universe”. These Harmonic Universes consist of and exist as 3 dimensional bands where the physical matter and perceived reality are manifest in different “Density” from the other Harmonic Universes. The physics of this have to do with differences in angular rotation of particle spin, and the frequency and vibrational level of the energies that govern the manifestation matter in these Harmonic Universes. There are 4 Harmonic Universes in the basic structure of our Time Matrix that span the 12 physical dimensions of our Universe. The Ascension process means accretion of your genetic template with higher dimensional frequency energies that coincide with the higher dimensional bands, hence activating your coinciding DNA strands. One part of “Ascension mechanics” is achieved by the activation of these DNA strands, and then moving up through the higher “Harmonic Universe” bands.We now as humans, currently exist and perceive as our reality in Harmonic Universe One. One thing to note is that conscious beings observe and perceive “physical matter and reality” of the dimensional band one level BELOW the current level of their DNA strand activation. Most humans on Earth now currently have between 3.5 to 4 strands of their 12 strand template active, and hence what we interact with and perceive as “reality” is our current Harmonic Universe 1, or “3-D”. (the 1st 3 dimensions of our 15 dimensional Time Matrix)
Here is a graphical illustration to help better understand how this is structured:
Stellar Activation Cycle – Solar Activation Cycle – Star Gate Ascension Cycle:
Ascension occurs at specific cycles of Galactic, Solar, and Planetary alignments. These are called Stellar Activation Cycles, Solar Activation Cycles, and Star Gate Ascension Cycles. Stellar Activations (SAC´s) are a natural part of the accretion/evolution process, and occur as the pulsation rhythms of particles in the lower three dimensions speeds up into the rhythms of the next three dimensional frequency bands.Earth and the human populations are now approaching a series of Stellar Activations, as part of Earth’s natural 25,556 years cycle. The previous SAC was in 22,346 BC. An important note is that although Earth´s natural SAC cycle occurs every 25,556 years, that Earth has been stuck in our current Harmonic Universe One since 208,216 BC because of intruder race interference and manipulation, thus not allowing Earth or Humans to enter its natural Star Gate Ascension Cycle. This is a result of genetic mutation and interbreeding with various intruder races for hundreds of thousands of years for the sole purpose of establishing dominion, control, and prevention of this natural ascension process of the human species.
There is a much larger “Galactic Drama” at work here with regards to relevance of all this above, the various agendas involved, the how, what, and why of it, etc… To understand this in more detail would require a much larger scope of explanation and references than I am prepared to offer here, for my intent and the purpose of this article, is to touch on some of the larger generalities that explain the “Bigger Picture” for a basic understanding to the newly initiated. Having said that, I will say that there is extreme significance in this next cycle we are rapidly approaching in the next months leading up to Dec. 2012, as this represents the completion of a current SAC cycle, and our last opportunity to freely continue or Ascend into the next Harmonic Universe. This last statement is not meant to apply any “Doom and Gloom” fear scenario, but rather to point out the absolute enormous and Cosmic opportunity we have before us at this time!
The good news is that it is not as complicated as it sounds in terms of accreting more frequency energy into your template and beginning to activate more of your DNA strands. This does however take time to accumulate and begin to manifest in your template. Also you can begin this with very simple meditation techniques and your own free will choices that can also begin to put this energy accretion on “autopilot”, whereas you will begin to continually and automatically gain and aggregate this into your body and template. My personal recommendation is to not worry or concern yourselves with the complicated aspects and the scientific “physics” of what I have been describing here as this will ease and simplify your ability to begin this without melting your brain. But for those who need that “left brain” fix of trying to understand it in this regard, this information is certainly out there for you to study and I will cite and link all the resources that I have used as the basis here at the end of this article.
And here is more GOOD NEWS! It is not necessary to accrete and activate ALL 12 strands of your core template right away or even in the next coming months! In fact this would be quite impossible for virtually all of the human population currently incarnated on Earth as this would take possibly thousands of years even in the normal and natural evolution process. Rather the goal here and now, is the need to raise our frequency levels enough to begin to activate our next higher dimensional strands of 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions, that coincide with the next higher matter density of Harmonic Universe 2. Like it or not, this is what is happening to the Earth, as the Earth is also a conscious being just as humans are. In fact, all humans get their DNA template through the Earth´s Morphogentic Field of energy.
So what is Operation: BLUE LIGHT? And what does all this mean to us Humans, and our Freedom?
Operation: BLUE LIGHT is a ”WAKE UP CALL” to humanity, and the ”Modis Operandi” is to present this Free Will choice to readers.Do you want Freedom from the Cabal? Do you choose LOVE or FEAR?
Operation BLUE LIGHT is the appropriate title I chose for this message/movement, as I feel its the KEY to liberating the Earth and humans of the Cabal controlled enslavement and extermination agendas. This is done by simply intending and making the free will choice to raise your frequency and vibration level to those conducive to higher dimensional levels of consciousness. This means LOVE, and not FEAR!
When I say Love here in this context, I am not referring to us all sitting in a circle, brushing each others hair, and singing “kumbaya“, (although this would certainly do the job) but rather I am saying that this means to “Unconditionally Accept and Respect” all forms of life, and simply allow them to “Be” as they are, for everything and every conscious being in this universe is here and incarnate as a part of God or “Source“ consciousness, and NO other conscious being has any right or mandate to regulate or alter the conscious experience, ascension or evolutionary path of another conscious identity.
As we rapidly approach the completion of a Stellar Ascension Cycle, huge infusions of “Blue Light” (also known as Blue Flame), which refers to Earth´s portions of the dimensional frequencies of energy, is emanating more intensely from the Galactic core as part of the “Morphogenetic Field” that comprises our Galaxy, Solar System and Planet . Earth´s pattern of energy/morphogenetic field has the appearance of a standing wave pattern, composed of fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies, and thus appearing as blue in color. This 4th and 5th dimensional frequency energy is what we as humans need to accrete and accumulate into our body templates in order to activate these dormant and dis-connected strands of DNA that coincide with this next Ascension phase for Earth and Humans alike.Morphogenetic Fields comprise all matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic (form-holding) imprint, which exists as a quantity of crystalline (also called crystal body), electro-tonal energetic substance that is composed of specific patterns of frequency.
Through the process of “Frequency Accretion”, the structural and metabolic processes of the body progressively change, creating dimensional Ascension through cellular Transmutation. This process also unlocks your historic and re-incarnational memory, and as you aggregate more and more frequency energy, more and more of your memory and knowledge also awakens.
How do I wake up?
Waking up and accessing this embedded information and memory requires the accretion of other dimensional energy frequencies which gradually aggregate and activate your dormant DNA strands. You see, each of the 12 strands of DNA in your core template corresponds to a dimensional band in our time matrix. The “Ascension” process is an “Evolution” of sorts and is the intended and natural process for conscious beings to experience existence by evolving or “ascending” through the various dimensions of existence of our universal structure.
You see, the same dynamics that govern Ascension are the same dynamics that are being manipulated to establish dominion over us. We as humans, have suffered a complete and unwilling “memory wipe” of our “hard drives” which is now maintained by these dark intruders by keeping us in this same fixed and specific “Band of Frequency and Vibration”. This band of frequency and vibration is set to a level that makes us particularly susceptible to control and manipulation via the negative anxieties of Fear, and Anger. Couple this with our complete loss of memory and historical knowledge, thereby never having the potential to re-gain our divine power and self-dominion, and you have the perfect “cocktail” for usurpious control. This is also the dynamic by which the “Slaves” do not know, think or realize that they are in fact, “Slaves”.
On the other hand, Love, Compassion, Empathy, Respect, Courage, Intellect, Forgiveness, Generosity, Kindness, Acceptance, and Helpful Willingness are all examples of thoughts, emotions, and actions that resonate much higher vibrational frequencies. When these higher level frequencies are chosen, accreted and applied they completely transcend and obliterate lower frequency bands and render them utterly obsolete and powerless. When humans raise their frequency to these levels, the Cabalist oppressors completely lose their grip on the Hoax of their power and dominion over us.
We must understand that ALL thoughts, emotions, intentions are physical ACTIONS. And actions resonate and vibrate within a specific frequency band. FEAR for example, resonates at a lower dimensional level of energy and frequency. As such, it can be immediately categorized and associated with lower dimensional consciousness. ANGER is another lower vibrational frequency. Fear and Anger are the top choices used by the intruder races, and by default the “Cabal” (whom are actually just the subservient minions of the Intruder races), because it produces a lower resonate frequency which is favorable for manipulation and control and is used specifically for this purpose. Have you ever noticed how only a few thousand Cabal members in the world effectively control and manipulate billions of other humans?
How is this even possible?
The answer is, because they know and understand the dynamics of frequency and vibration and its affect on the mind and thoughts of the people its being used on. The Cabal uses fear and anger as a weapon by virtue of convincing billions of people that they are strong and powerful and hence have a right of dominion over them, when in reality this a nothing but a “Hoax”. This is because the Cabal does not have any true power at all, instead they have simply applied these dynamics and thereby convinced billions of humans to willfully surrender their power to them. Its nothing but a big scam!
This all has to do with the absolute grandest scheme of MIND CONTROL ever devised, The manipulation of THOUGHT via the Frequency and Vibration of energies, and its affect on Intention, Free Will Choice, and Manifestation of Reality!
Its really that simple.
Intruder Races
Intruder Races are disruptive groups of Extra Terrestrials (ET) that have and are visiting our planet in hope of figuring out a way to disrupt your progression and manipulate you away from the true purpose for which you have come. (Your natural progression to enlightenment - Ascension)There are many Intruder races. Some of these include, but are not limited to:
Sirian Annunnaki | |
Dracos (Drakon and Human Hybrid) | |
Zephelium (Administrators of Zeta) | |
Zeta Reticuli and Zeta Grey-Rigelian | |
Rutilia (Zeta and Dracos Hybrid, or EBE*) |
(*EBE refers to Extraterrestrial Biological Entity)
Its important also to understand that these Intruder races are actually also in competition with each other. For example the Annunnaki and the Dracos
have been fighting with each other for thousands of years in
competition for their individual control agendas over Earth.
Additionally, each of these Intruder race groups has agreements with
competing Illuminati Cabal groups on Earth whom they
agree to share technologies with in exchange for their cooperation
and implementation of their specific agenda.
It is equally important to understand that Intruder races use multiple tactics of deceit and manipulation to insure the propagation of their covert dark agendas. They frequently disguise their malicious intents by the use of “Channeling” and promotion of what humans would perceive as good or “Light”
intentions. They do this for obvious reasons, for disclosing their true
dark and control agenda, it would obviously be met with immediate
resistance, and remember exactly what they seek to avoid, which is detection and exposure. They also introduce and use various different names for their race designation or collective group, as further means of disguising their intent and identity.
As an example of what I have just described above, I will offer an opinion of my own that is solely based on my own personal discernment
and study over the last two years. I encourage everyone reading this to
use your own discernment and research to derive at your own conclusion.
Having said that, it is my opinion that “The Galactic Federation of Light” is actually an Intruder
race masquerading as such in an attempt to prepare large populations of
humans to willingly board their spacecraft in the future for the
purpose of exporting them off planet for the intent of continuing
to control, manipulate, and feed from their energies, away from
the interference and competition of other Intruder races here as well. I
also feel that the GFL is actually a reptilian race and also perhaps part of or aligned with the Draco Intruder race.
Additionally, the practice of “Channeling” messages through other conscious beings is NOT a method condoned or used by true “Light
Agenda” ET´s or Light races. This is because the “Channeling” soul
consciousness must occupy or “posses” the body of the receiver or
“Channelee”. This actually damages the receiver´s DNA template and also completely takes over the Channelee´s physical and spirit body which is a direct violation of Free Will. As
such, channeled messages are not valid or trustworthy. Again, this is
my personal opinion and view based upon my own study and meditation. You
can decide for yourself what resonates as true for you.
This is where we get into the aspects that deal with all the varying intruder races, aka “Fallen Angelics”, their little worker minions we refer to as the elite Illuminati or “Cabal”, the oppression of our Freedom as slaves, and of course all the various “Freedom Movements” out
there in our society today, and the Cabal´s rapid descent from power
and loss of their grip on the great mind control illusion that has kept
us enslaved under their dominion for thousands of years.
Here is an excellent video that describes very well our
original and intended divine path, and also illustrates the generalities
of the Intruder race intereference over the last 300,000 years.
In fact, we are observing the Cabal losing their power at an ever accelerated rate, as many thousands of humans have began to awaken and raise their vibrational frequencies through methods such as meditations, reflection, and other methods of mastery of their free will choices, intentions, and actions.
I myself have written several articles in the past in alignment with some of these Freedom movements in support of the removal of the Cabal, their Arrest, Detention, and Adjudication because of their oppression, subjugation, and their enslavement/eradication agendas of all human populations on Earth. If you are reading this article now, I am sure most of you have read my previous articles about the removal of the Cabal. I still adamantly support this cause and the removal of these criminal Cabalists for all the same reasons, BUT what has shifted and changed for me is the realization and discovery via my personal path of enlightenment as to the “Cosmic Order” of reality and the mechanics of how its experienced, and hence I now feel that I understand the true and effectual way to achieve freedom that is real and manifested in our reality.
The thing that concerns me about most of the current “Freedom Movements” out there pursuing hostile and abrupt actions to Arrest the Cabal forcefully, is that these actions are also centered within the lower vibrations of Fear and Anger and motivated by revenge and retribution, etc… People get so caught up in the perceived satisfaction of taking revenge on the Cabal that they often lose sight of the ultimate goal and objective which is the actual desired “Change” itself. The angry “Mob” mentality with pitchforks and guns ready to storm the steps of Capital Hill is spurred by such emotions firmly embedded within the frequency bands associated with Anger and Fear. This actually works to the benefit of the dark Cabal by easily being able to control and manipulate the action by introducing more Fear and Anger causing strife and dissension from within the actions aimed at them.
So ask yourself this question:
David Icke has addressed this dynamic many times in his materials, speeches and events. To quote him, “Freedom, is not about Guns, its about Consciousness”.
If your choice is indeed LOVE, then all you need do in this regard is apply this choice and begin to be conscious of raising your thoughts, emotions, and actions to higher levels of vibration and frequency. A little online research and study about spirituality and meditation can also be very helpful and accelerate this for you. There are many spiritual teachings and groups that exist online and its really your choice of which materials resonate most with your personal discernment.
Some critical elements relating to our personal free will of how we chose to experience and manifest our reality by virtue of the choices we make with regards to our attitudes, emotions, thoughts, and actions and their resulting affects and correspondence with the ascension process and obtaining true freedom are the “Twelve Attitudes and Responsibilities of Mastery“.
Most of what I have outlined in this article comes from a very huge body of scientific and spiritual teachings known as “Keylontic Science“ or “Freedom Teachings“. These materials have personally resonated for me as the reality of all that is, ever was, or ever will be. It is the largest body of knowledge I have ever come across in this area and on my own journey of enlightenment.
Another great source of Ascension information that is greatly simplified and one that I also highly recommend is Inelia Benz and her website of “Ascension101“.
Operation BLUE LIGHT is a message and a Mission as we move ever faster towards the inevitable shift to higher consciousness and radical change in the paradigm of our reality and experience. I envision additional chapter releases of this article in “Mission Upgrades” as our path to enlightenment continues to unfold. The speed and timing with which we observe and realize this shifted change is dependent on all of us.
Another great video just released from the Arcturian Group summarizes much of the general message included here:
In closing of this initial article release, I extend my warmest and heartfelt gratitude to all whom read this article. Many readers here are already aware of the information I have touched on in this article, but to those who are just beginning their journeys, I hope you have found this information useful and resonating within your free will mind. I am truly excited to be here in this wonderful time and experience, and I look forward to traversing this path with all of you as ONE.
Sincerely with Love, Aaron
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